Correlation between Bicarbonate and CO2 Concentrations and the effect on pH
• pH will be 7.35 in a medium with a concentration of 2.1 mg/ml bicarbonate at 6% CO2
• Lower CO2 = increase pH
• Know your incubator gas concentration and your medium bicarbonate concentration rather than ‘measuring’ pH
• Lower partial pressure of CO2 means a lower concentration of CO2 inside the incubator
• At 1500m above sea level, an incubator set at 6% CO2will have an actual concentration of only 4.9% CO2
• Lower CO2 = increase pH
• Know your incubator gas concentration and your medium bicarbonate concentration rather than ‘measuring’ pH
• Lower partial pressure of CO2 means a lower concentration of CO2 inside the incubator
• At 1500m above sea level, an incubator set at 6% CO2will have an actual concentration of only 4.9% CO2
Stroebech media recommends a CO2 concentration of 6-6.5 %