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Single Lot# Test and Hold

Introducing MEA/HSSA/LAL Testing and Off-site Storage of your IVF Lab supplies by Product and by Lot Number

  • Save Money - with bulk discounts on your products
  • Save Time - let us test your products for you
  • Save Space - we can store your products until you are ready to use them
  • Certify Your Products - with MEA, LAL and HSSA
  • Protect Your Success Rates - with pretested and certified products
  • Get Consistent Results - by using the same lot numbers
  • Buy Now, Pay When You Use - keep your budget under control!
    We all know the importance of toxicity testing in IVF. Just one toxic product can affect your all of your patient's embryos before it is realized too late. Additionally finding space in your lab to store your tested supplies is sometimes just not possible.

    Performing MEA and HSSA tests for multiple lot numbers of products is time consuming, laborious and inefficient. Storing huge amounts of single lots of product at the lab is just not practical.

    IVF Store's Lot# Test and Hold program will secure and toxicity test lot numbers for you, certify them, then store them at our facility ready to be sent to you when needed - saving you time, space and money.

    Call us to discuss the details of this unique program and start testing all your products today. 
    1 (833) 483-7867

    Frequently Asked Questions

    We are very excited that our new Lot# Test and Hold is a hit with our customers. We have had a lot of questions so here is a list of frequently asked questions to help you understand this new service...
    What is IVF Store's Lot# Test and Hold program?
    It is a way of buying the products you usually use in bulk and with a single lot number. Having that lot tested for toxicity, certified as being safe for use and storing that lot of certified products in our warehouse until you are ready to receive them.

    What toxicity tests can you perform?
    We offer MEA, HSSA and LAL testing as requested/required by you. Testing is  performed by Embryotech, the industry leader in ART toxicity testing.

    How does this save money?
    By buying in bulk you have access to bulk quantity discounts.

    How is this better than buying product already certified?
    Purchasing tested product does not guarantee it is from the same lot. A single lot number is much easier to keep track of and can help you troubleshoot issues or eliminate fluctuations different lot numbers can introduce. We work with you and our suppliers to make sure you only receive a single lot number for each product in your order.

    How do I know how much inventory I have at the IVF Store warehouse?
    We store each clinic's products in their own section. Each box is clearly labelled with the product description as well as the number of boxes remaining. You will see on the label which box you are using and how many boxes of your lot you have left. We will alert you when you are running low and assist you with re-ordering.

    Do I have to pay for all this product up front?
    No, we will bill you as your product is used so you will still be able to manage expenditure as you always have before.

    Are there any extra charges for using Lot# Test and Hold?
    Yes, there is a discounted fee for the toxicity testing/certifying and for logistics. These charges are pro rated to spread the cost of testing across your overall product order, thereby reducing any upfront costs.

    Can you price match what we are currently paying for our IVF products?
    We can usually match or beat any competitor. Please call us to find out more 1 (833) 483-7867.

    What if I have more questions?
    We would love to hear from you, please call us  at  1 (833) 483-7867.
    Mouse Embryo Assay (MEA) tested IVF Supplies
    Mouse Embryo Assay (MEA) Tested Fertility Products Labelled by Lot Number
    Sequentially numbered IVF products
    IVF Supplies ready waiting for customer
    IVF Clinic tested items ready to ship
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